City Of Heavenly Fire - Deleted Scene 2

I haven’t got much in the way of substantive cut scenes from City of Heavenly Fire. Most things were rewritten rather than removed. But here’s a bit of Sebastian’s death scene that didn’t make it in.

            “We forgive you,” Jocelyn said. She was still crying, in the same soundless terrible way, just as she had every year on Jonathan’s birthday when she had held the box with his initials on it and wept.
            “No,” he said. “There’s no forgiveness for what I did. I know where I will burn when I die.”
            “Heaven does not forgive, but mothers do,” said Jocelyn. “When you were a baby inside me, I dreamed of everything for you. That you would be handsome and strong and good. That I would sing to you and love you and take care of you.” She gripped his hand tightly. “Maybe not in this world, but in another, I believe that was the truth.”
            “Don’t forgive me,” he whispered. “Hate me. Rejoice that I’m dead. After all I have done, the last thing I would wish to bring to you was more grief.”
            “Jonathan,” Clary whispered.
            His eyes moved toward her. “And sisters,” he said. “Do sisters forgive?”